Wednesday, June 8, 2011


We have 3 new rescued roosters from our friends at Dog Watch CHCH. It is so sad how roosters get dumped. A lot of the time it is because people are trying to be green and animal friendly by producing their own eggs. They get either a litter of young babies or they let a hen breed. Of course they end up with some roosters, which no one wants. They release them on the side of the road to fend for themselves. What they don’t realise is that the roosters are either to young or domesticated to sufficiently look after themselves. They quite often come to us thin and covered in mites. We have over 60 rescued roosters! We get asked all the time how do we stop our roosters from fighting. That is simple, our roosters don’t fight. In fact, roosters tend not to fight under the right conditions, our Roosters have plenty of space, food, and shelter, there is no need to fight or complete.  
If you or someone you know would like to produce your own eggs, that is great, get an ex battery hen. They are so friendly, you know it is definitely female and most importantly you are saving a life! We rehabilitate and rehome ex batteries all the time, our board member Sam is very good at it. Let us know if you are thinking about getting hens, hopefully we can help.   

We have 3 new seagulls and a hedgehog. All 3 of the seagulls are eating very well but 2 aren’t flying. They have been examined by a vet and put on bed rest for a couple of weeks. The one that is eating and can fly will get released at the beach as soon as he puts on a bit more weight. The hedgehog has a weird eating pattern, he will pig out one day and not eat the next. It maybe just because he is getting ready for hibernation. He came to us covered in mites and with a burst abscess. The abscess is looking good and the mites are gone, yay.   

Last weekend we rehomed one of our rescued cats, Sally. She has gone to a lovely home where she will be very happy and spoilt.  

Griz our newest bunny has settled in very well. He is inquisitive, likes to explore in his big run and he lets us pat him. He seems to love his new lifestyle out of the petshop.

We have successfully reunited a very cute lost piglet with his very worried owners. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to take a picture. He was staying with our bunny Griz, it would have made a great photo. 

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