I just got off the phone with Carolyn who is very distressed and upset!!! Carolyn was looking around in Wellington and stumbled upon a shop that sells animal hide! It is disgusting and barbaric! They have Zebra skin and Springboks skin, apparently you could see the eye sockets, nostrils and the ears pinned back. I can’t understand who would even want this. The idea of a dead animal on the floor in the living room is weird, why would anyone want that?
We are boycotting any store that sells it. Carolyn saw it in Cransfield on the corner of Lambton Quay and Johnston Street in Wellington, imported by Landed gear and freshly murdered in South Africa. I have seen images of animal fur in a documentary called Earthlings. It is very disturbing, it made me want to vomit, in fact it is what turned me vegan. I encourage everyone to do a little research, have a look at websites like HUHA, PETA, SAFE or WSPA. I can tell you how bad it is, but it won’t mean as much until you see it for yourself.
According to the Landed website they farm these animals for their skin. Doesn’t this make it seem even more senseless? Not that I think hunting is good, but you can (almost) see why some would like it. You know, they think they are a big manly man for killing a beast and need to be reminded of this so they display it in their lounge. But in this case the animal is farmed, it is not even manly or cave like (or whatever the hell it is that makes people want to hunt in the first place). It is so weak.
I also do not believe animal in farms are happy. They can not display natural behaviours; they are often kept in large herds, which can be very stressful, with little or no space to move about. Join us in boycotting the fur/skin industry, we can make a difference.
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